You should visit

Tokyo Squaredance

I am so happy this website is still up! Tokyo Squaredance

Southern Fried Rabbit

Another site guaranteed to make you smile … Bugs Bunny in Drag


Mary Beth Sanford is undoubtedly one of the best sissy artists you’ll find on the web. This used to be a much larger site, but it’s still well worth a visit. Enjoy.


Petticoat Punishment Art is a carefully researched study of illustrators of those semi-pornographic books about men being “forced” to dress up. Some of this is rather sleazy, but there is also some really gifted artists, like Gene Bilbrew and Eric Stanton, and Chris Teen’s art must be seen to be believed.


3 Responses to “You should visit”

  1. noor ul eman Says:

    If gender role reversal then what do we should call boys and married man, example before 21 century we call girls for MISS married women for MRS, then after gender role reversal what do we should call boys and house husband or married man?

  2. little giselle Says:

    Very good question.

  3. Rene Andre Says:

    MISSter !

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